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Base options


The location of your Vite configuration file.

It works with import.meta.url too.


Enables Vite's development server if set to true.

Its default value is set to process.argv.includes('--dev'), so it will automatically recognize passing the --dev flag to your Node.js process unless you change it to something else.


When set to true, disables SSR and just sets up integration for delivering a static SPA application.

clientModule resolution is disabled and the Reply.html() method doesn't require a context object with variables for the index.html template.

This can be customized however by providing your own createHtmlFunction().


A single configuration object which can be used to set all Renderer options.

  • clientModule
  • createErrorHandler
  • createHtmlFunction
  • createHtmlTemplateFunction
  • createRenderFunction
  • createRoute
  • createRouteHandler
  • prepareClient

Renderer options


If unset, @fastify/vite will automatically try to resolve index.js from your Vite project root as your client module. You can override this behavior by setting this option.


As soon as the client module is loaded, it is passed to the prepareClient() configuration function.

See its default definition here. If it finds routes defined, @fastify/vite will use it to register an individual Fastify (server-level) route for each of your client-level routes (Vue Router, React Router etc). That's why prepareClient() is implemented that way by default.


This configuration function creates the reply.render() method.

It's covered in detail in Rendering function.


This configuration function creates the reply.html() method.

It's covered in detail in Templating function.


This configuration function creates the default route handler for registering Fastify routes based on the client module routes exported array (if available).


This configuration function creates the default error handler for the Fastify routes registered based on the client module routes exported array.


this configuration function is responsible for actually registering an individual Fastify route for each of your client-level routes.

Released under the MIT License.